Daily Devotionals
Daily devotionals that will challenge you to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ

"Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”” (John 8:31–32, NKJV)

What is your relationship with the Jesus’ word? Can you honestly say you “abide in” His teaching?

Speaking to those who already believed in Him, Jesus tells them to take that belief one step further. Those who are indeed His disciples will not just believe what He says, they will do what He says. They were not just disciples in word, saying “I believe.” They were disciples indeed, doing “I believe.” They did not just know His word, they lived His word.

You may believe in Jesus. You may even believe all of Jesus’ words, from a sense that you know they are truth. Still, according to Jesus Himself, discipleship is realized by doing, or abiding in, His word. Are there areas in your life that you know you are not abiding in His word? What thing can you do today to change your standing in Jesus from simply a believer to a doer in those areas?

Prayer SmallIcon
Father, I now realize it is not enough to simply believe your word, but that I must abide in it. I must be a doer. Help me to be more than a believer. Help me to be a doer of Your will, today and every day, in all areas of my life. Forgive my sins, I pray.