Daily Devotionals
Daily devotionals that will challenge you to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ

 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10, NKJV)

Whose workmanship can be seen in you? Is it the Master’s hand that crafts the life you now live?

Your works will invariably reveal your maker. In Christ, we were created for good works, not evil. The Lord did not make you His disciple so you can continue to live as you want. He did not show you His grace so that you can continue in your sin. He has prepared good works for you to walk in—amazing works for you to passionately pursue into eternity. The question is, will you walk in them? Will you do what you were created to do?

If your life as a disciple has been fulfilling some other purpose than what God has created you for, today is the day to make a change. Open His word and discover what works for which He has created you. Start walking in those works and find your fulfillment in God! Be His workmanship!

Prayer SmallIcon
You are my Maker, my Master and Creator, Father. Thank you for saving me from my sins and giving me purpose under this sun. Forgive me for pursuing my path and help me to be what You created me to be. I am Your workmanship. I am Your disciple. Help me to walk in your works.